Documentation for ScatteredLightBackground
Class for working with TESS data to fit and use scattered background models.
ScatteredLightBackground will automatically set up a reasonable background model for you. If you
want to tweak the model, check out the design_matrix
__getitem__(self, key)
Set indexing
__init__(self, sector, camera, ccd, column=None, row=None, sigma_f=None, nknots=50, cutout_size=2048, tstart=None, tstop=None, quality=None, verbose=False, njitter=10000, strap_npoly=2)
Initialize a ScatteredLightBackground
object either for fitting or loading a model.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
sector |
int |
Sector number |
required |
camera |
int |
Camera number |
required |
ccd |
int |
CCD number |
required |
column |
None or xp.ndarray |
The column numbers to evaluate the design matrix at. If None, uses all pixels. |
None |
row |
None or xp.ndarray |
The column numbers to evaluate the design matrix at. If None, uses all pixels. |
None |
sigma_f |
xp.ndarray |
The weights for each pixel in the design matrix. Default is equal weights. |
None |
nknots |
int |
Number of knots to for spline matrix |
50 |
cutout_size |
int |
Size of a "cutout" of images to use. Default is 2048. Use a smaller cut out to test functionality |
2048 |
Resets the weights and average frame
fit_model(self, flux_cube, tstart=None, batch_size=50, test_frame=0, mask_asteroids=False)
Fit a model to a flux cube, fitting frames in batches of size batch_size
This will append to the list properties self.weights_basic
, self.weights_full
, self.jitter
Name | Type | Description | Default |
flux_cube |
xp.ndarray |
3D array of frames. |
required |
tstart |
np.ndarray |
Times for each frame. Required if masking asteroids. |
None |
batch_size |
int |
Number of frames to fit at once. |
50 |
test_frame |
int |
The index of the frame to use as the "reference frame".
This reference frame will be used to build masks to set |
0 |
from_tess_images(fnames, mask_asteroids=True, batch_size=50, test_frame=None, cutout_size=2048, sector=None, camera=None, ccd=None, verbose=False, quality_bitmask=175, njitter=5000)
Creates a ScatteredLightBackground model from filenames
Name | Type | Description | Default |
fnames |
list |
List of filenames to compute the background model for |
required |
batch_size |
int |
Number of files to process in a given batch |
50 |
test_frame |
None or int |
The frame to use as a "test" frame for building masks. If None, a reasonable frame will be chosen. |
None |
Type | Description |
`scatterbrain.ScatteredLightBackground.ScatteredLightBackground` |
ScatteredLightBackground object |
load(self, input, dir=None)
Load a model fit to the tess-backrop data directory.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
input |
tuple or string |
Either pass a tuple with |
required |
dir |
str |
Optional tring with the directory name |
None |
model(self, time_index=None)
Build a model for a frame with index time_index
save(self, output_dir=None, overwrite=False)
Save a model fit to the scatterbrain data directory.