Added asteroids module, which will use tess-locator and tess-ephem to find asteroids in FFIs
Added scene module which will correct the stars in the scene (including jitter)
Added polynomial strap model
Improved speed of data loading by using fitsio.FITS instead of
Renamed backdrop to background and BackDrop to ScatteredLightBackground
Improved the quality masking for bad FFI frames
Added a movie function to the utils module for easy data inspection
Added hdf5 files to module for asteroid locations in Cycles 1 and 2 down to 18th magnitude. This increases the space required for the module quite significantly, but will mean that we don't require internet connection if we run this on the supercomputer.
Removed fit_model, which fit a single frame of data at a time, and renamed fit_model_batched to fit model. Now will always fit in a batched mode.
Made a new common function _run_batches which is used by fit_model and from_tess_images to fit data in batches.