
Tlepolemos (a.k.a. 9612 P-L, 15651) is a moving object from K2 campaign 111, 112. You can read more information about this object at the JPL Small-Body Database Browser here. Data was taken from 24 September 2016 to 22 November 2016.

Tlepolemos was proposed for by Parker, Ryan in GO11100, GO11051. If you use this data, please cite their proposal. You can find the bibtex citation by clicking the button below.

               author = {{Hedges}, C. and Co},
                title = "{}",
              journal = {},
            archivePrefix = "arXiv",
               eprint = {},
             primaryClass = "",
             keywords = {},
                 year = ,
                month = ,
               volume = ,
                pages = {},
                  doi = {},
               adsurl = {},
	author = {{Parker}, P. and {Howett}, H. and {Horst}, H. and {Ryan}, R.},
	title = {Monitoring Solar System Ocean Worlds: Activity on Titan and Enceladus},
	abstract = {Saturn's moons Titan and Enceladus are two of the solar system's
		 most intriguing bodies. Titan's thick atmosphere and complex hy
		drologic and climatic cycles are rivaled only by Earth's, while 
		Enceladus' vast water plumes are a geophysical enigma and an ast
		robiological opportunity rolled into one. Both are examples of t
		he solar system's "ocean worlds" and stand as potential targets 
		for future New Frontiers-class missions due to their relevance t
		o understanding the diversity of habitable environments within t
		he solar system and the potential emergence of life beyond Earth
		.We propose to target both Titan and Enceladus for photometric m
		onitoring with K2. They are on silicon for over 5 days during K2
		 Campaign 11. Observations from K2 will allow us to probe global
		 atmospheric activity across Titan on short timescales continuou
		sly over the period of observability. This will provide unique t
		emporal sampling and may highlight as-yet unseen physics in Tita
		n's utterly unique atmosphere. Similarly, observations from K2 w
		ill allow us to search for photometric indications of Enceladus'
		 plumes in backscattered light, and monitor them for variability
		 on timescales much shorter than those probed by Cassini. These 
		observations will constrain the size distribution of particles i
		n Enceladus' plumes and may provide hints toward the sources of 
		energy powering the plumes.Both observations can serve as unique
		 proofs of concept for space-based photometric monitoring of the
		se outer solar system worlds, and will support the development o
		f future missions to characterize them.}
	howpublished = {K2 Proposal},
	year = {2016},
	month = {Februrary},
	url = {},
	notes = {K2 Proposal GO11100}

	author = {{Ryan}, R. and {Woodward}, W.},
	title = {Lightcurves of Trojan and Hilda asteroids: Insight into Planetary Migration in the Early Solar System},
	abstract = {Studies of the small bodies of the solar system reveal important
		 clues about the condensation and formation of planetesimal bodi
		es, and ultimately planets in planetary systems. Dynamics of sma
		ll bodies have been utilized to model giant planet migration wit
		hin our solar system, colors have been used to explore compositi
		onal gradients within the protoplanetary disk, & studies of 
		the size-frequency distribution of main belt asteroids may revea
		l compositional dependences on planetesimal strength limiting mo
		dels of planetary growth from collisional aggregration. Studies 
		of the optical lightcurves of asteroids also yield important inf
		ormation on shape and potential binarity of asteroidal bodies. L
		ightcurves of Hilda and Trojan asteroids populations yield key i
		nformation about the primordial shape and binary fraction of the
		se small body populations and their origins. Milli-mag Kepler ph
		otometry will tightly constrain both of the latter characteristi
		cs. These 2 populations are in resonances with Jupiter & col
		lisional frequencies within these populations are the lowest wit
		hin inner solar system small body populations. Results from the 
		WISE survey suggest that ~20% of Trojans & ~40% of Hildas ar
		e either extremely elongated objects or binaries. Kepler optical
		 light curves are required to confirm these controversial findin
		gs. Ground based surveys are not optimal for this type of photom
		etric variability study due to large amounts of observing time r
		equired & nightly aliasing effects on lightcurves. Kepler ho
		wever is ideal for this type of photometric survey of asteroid v
		ariability due to the photometric stability of the observing pla
		tform and the correspondence between the C11 field and the L4 Tr
		ojan cloud. Methodology: We have identified 100 objects for stud
		y in the Hilda and Trojan asteroids to be studied with Kepler in
		 C11-13 with magnitudes of m_V < 20. Due to the overlap betwe
		en the Campaign 11 field and the L4 Trojan cloud, our request fo
		r data represents 70 objects Campaign 11, 23 objects in Campaign
		 12 & 7 objects in Campaign 13. These objects are not statio
		nary within the Kepler fields, rather they move across the field
		, resulting in a mean time in the Kepler field of view on active
		 silicon of 24 days. Due to the motion of these targets, the Kep
		ler Science Center assesses solar system program as containing m
		ore targets than proposed number of objects, (In C8, 6 Hilda tar
		gets are assessed as 4847 targets by the Kepler Science Center),
		ll utilize data obtained with the 30 minute Kepler cadence to de
		termine rotational periods for our selected targets. The ratio o
		f lightcurve amplitudes will subsequently be utilized to determi
		ne body elongation and/or binarity.Relevance to K2:This study wi
		ll obtain high fidelity lightcurves for solar system objects in 
		the Kepler field of view during campaigns 11-13  to determine if
		 these objects originated in the Kuiper Belt and later migrated 
		and are amenable to the operational characteristics and constrai
		nts of the mission and defined observing fields.}
	howpublished = {K2 Proposal},
	year = {2016},
	month = {Februrary},
	url = {},
	notes = {K2 Proposal GO11051}
                    This work uses...

Download Light Curve

If only want the light curve of the object with the optimal aperture, download this product. This will give you one .fits file with several extensions. The first extension is the optimal apertures determined for this target. Further extensions contain a range of aperture sizes. You can read more in our readme.

Download Target Pixel File

Our code asteriks creates Moving Target Pixel Files, which are similar to Kepler/K2 TPFs, and contain stacks of images from the telescope. Moving TPFs track the motion of solar system objects, so that they are always centered in every image. Moving TPFs are background subtracted. The movie above shows a Moving TPF with background subtraction on the right.

Run our code

You can run our code asteriks to regenerate any of these light curves yourself, or generate light curves of other objects. You can read more about our code at our GitHub Page and you can read more about how the code works in our recent paper