2000 DV76

2000 DV76 (a.k.a. 92284) is a moving object from K2 campaign 101, 102. You can read more information about this object at the JPL Small-Body Database Browser here. Data was taken from 06 July 2016 to 12 September 2016.

2000 DV76 was proposed for by Ryan in GO10010. If you use this data, please cite their proposal. You can find the bibtex citation by clicking the button below.

               author = {{Hedges}, C. and Co},
                title = "{}",
              journal = {},
            archivePrefix = "arXiv",
               eprint = {},
             primaryClass = "",
             keywords = {},
                 year = ,
                month = ,
               volume = ,
                pages = {},
                  doi = {},
               adsurl = {},
	author = {{Ryan}, R. and {Woodward}, W.},
	title = {Lightcurves of  Hilda asteroids: Tracing migrations in the early solar system},
	abstract = {Studies of the small bodies of the solar system reveal important
		 clues about the condensation and formation of planetesimal bodi
		es, and ultimately planets in planetary systems. Dynamics of sma
		ll bodies have been utilized to model giant planet migration wit
		hin our solar system [1-5], colors have been used to explore com
		positional gradients within the protoplanetary disk [6-7], and s
		tudies of the size-frequency distribution of main belt asteroids
		 may reveal compositional dependences on planetesimal strength w
		hich may limit models of planetary growth from collisional aggre
		gration of planetesimals. Studies of the optical lightcurves of 
		asteroids also yield important information on shape and potentia
		l binarity of asteroidal bodies.Light curves of Hilda asteroids 
		populations yield key information about the primordial shape and
		 binary fraction of these small body populations. Milli-mag Kepl
		er photometry will tightly constrain both of the latter characte
		ristics. This population is in the stable 3:2 resonance with Jup
		iter at 4 AU and collisional frequencies within these population
		s are the lowest within inner solar system small body population
		s [8-9]. Results from the WISE survey suggest that  ~40% of Hild
		a asteroids are either extremely elongated objects, or are binar
		ies[10]. Kepler optical light curves are required to confirm the
		se controversial findings. Ground based optical surveys are not 
		optimal for this type of photometric variability survey. Large a
		mounts of observing time are required, and analysis of lightcurv
		es obtained over a few nights is hampered by aliasing induced by
		 limited photometric sampling over regularly spaced nightly inte
		rvals. Kepler however is ideal for this type of photometric surv
		ey of asteroid variability due to the photometric stability of t
		he observing platform.We have identified ~12 objects for study i
		n the Hilda asteroid populations to be studied with Kepler in Ca
		mpaigns 8 & 10 with magnitudes of m_V < 20. These objects
		 are not stationary within the Kepler fields, rather they move a
		cross the field, resulting in a mean time in the Kepler field of
		 view on active silicon of 40 days for our targets. We will util
		ize data obtained with the 30 minute Kepler cadence to determine
		 rotational periods for our selected targets. The ratio of light
		curve amplitudes will subsequently be utilized to determine body
		 elongation and/or binarity to test the results reported by the 
		WISE survey.}
	howpublished = {K2 Proposal},
	year = {2015},
	month = {June},
	url = {https://keplerscience.arc.nasa.gov/data/k2-programs/GO10010.txt},
	notes = {K2 Proposal GO10010}
                    This work uses...

Download Light Curve

If only want the light curve of the object with the optimal aperture, download this product. This will give you one .fits file with several extensions. The first extension is the optimal apertures determined for this target. Further extensions contain a range of aperture sizes. You can read more in our readme.

Download Target Pixel File

Our code asteriks creates Moving Target Pixel Files, which are similar to Kepler/K2 TPFs, and contain stacks of images from the telescope. Moving TPFs track the motion of solar system objects, so that they are always centered in every image. Moving TPFs are background subtracted. The movie above shows a Moving TPF with background subtraction on the right.

Run our code

You can run our code asteriks to regenerate any of these light curves yourself, or generate light curves of other objects. You can read more about our code at our GitHub Page and you can read more about how the code works in our recent paper